[ by air-JH001 ]: Parallel universe for cat servants using AR

Calling all cat servants: “Master’s heart is like a needle in the sea”, we all know that feeling far too well… But what if technology can help reverse this… even for a tiny moment.

Introducing [ by air-JH001 ]: experiments driven by imaginations.

Unlocking a parallel universe for cat servants with the magic of AR (Augmented Reality). Now you can simply use hand gestures to command your furry companion to “Come here,” “Eat,” or even “Play dead”. Isn’t that purr-fectly healing, meow?

[ by air ] series, a collaboration between the Creative and Tech team at AIR, is dedicated to turning all imaginations – even from wild to crazy ones, into reality through the power of creativity and technology.

#貓奴的平行時空 #玩一陣好去鏟屎 #CatServantInTheMultiverseOfMadness #GoCleanTheLitterBoxNow #catlovers #ilovemycat #handgesturerecognition #pathfinding #ARDK  #unity3d #Mediapipe #AR #virtualpet #byair #JH001 #AIR  #imaginations #Realisingeveryimagination

Brand: AIR
Imagined by: Jacqueline Hung, Hebitz Lau
Program Development: AIR, Cambo Kwan, Tony Chau
Program Producer: Hebitz Lau
Back Stage: Ken Hui, Denny Wong, Jonas Fung